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registred for Management Accountant (MA) services in Austria
registred for Tax Adviser (TA) services in Austria
registred for Tax Adviser (TA) services in Germany
registred for Management Adviser (MA) services in Austria
A-1060 Wien, Liniengasse 31/20
telephone: +43 (664) 5264331
telephone: +49 (157) 71973631
email: office(at)
Applicable legal provisions (which are accessable at the regulatory authority in charge):
Regulatory Authorities:
Registred as member at the Austrian Chamber of Public Accountants and Tax Advisors under WT-Code 226808, as member of Steuerberaterkammer Nürnberg under professional-register number 117746 and at the Austrian Economic Chamber unter membershipnumber 0730203
Publishing according to § 25 MedienG and § 5 ECG / Service provider according to § 5 TMG and § 2 DL-InfoV
The website is intended for interested third persons and clients for presentation of the mediaproprietor himself and his services as Independent Management Accountant, Tax Advisor and Bussiness Advisor.
Mediaproprietor: Rothmann Consulting - Mag. Dieter Herbert Rothmann
A-1060 Wien, Liniengasse 31/20
The profession is covered by a pecuniary damage liability insurance with VSW - Die Versicherergemeinschaft für Steuerberater und Wirtschaftsprüfer, Dotzheimer Straße 23, D-65185 Wiesbaden, and complys with § 11 WTBG. It applies also to other EU countries in connection with the insured risks; and complys especially with Austrian liability insurance rules of the Austrian Chamber of Public Accountants and Tax Advisors due to § 67 StBerG.
Value Added Tax Registration in Germany under VAT ID: AT U69164423
Pictures/Fotos: Rothmann Consulting - Mag. Dieter Herbert Rothmann und Foto Weinwurm
The following General Conditions on Contracs (GCC) apply as agreed.
Ihr Ansprechpartner
Dieter Herbert Rothmann
Liniengasse 31/20
A-1060 Wien
(AT) +43 (664) 5243631
(DE) +49 (157) 71973631